
The Ultimate Guide To Click To Call: Get An In-Depth Analysis Here

December 7, 2022

Arun Upadhyay

10 min read

The Ultimate Guide To Click to Call: Get An In-depth Analysis Here The Ultimate Guide To Click to Call: Get An In-depth Analysis Here

Getting potential inbound leads is an absolute win for businesses. Offering instant assistance to all your customers is one of the most effective ways to do so. You will be amazed to know with a simple integration, you can help your customers connect with support or sales teams in real-time.

This advanced solution can create magic for you, and that’s the power of a click-to-call or click-to-dial solution. 

Did you ever think of the number of potential clients you have missed to convert them into sales just because of a slow response? In this blog post, we will talk about click-to-call technology and how it helps businesses to grow.

Let’s get started…

What Is Click-To-Call?

Click-to-call is an advanced technology that lets customers connect with businesses in real time. To communicate with the company’s representative, they must click on a calling widget on the website. This technology acts so fast and helps businesses boost their sales prospects exponentially. Click-to-dial technology can be easily embedded into a digital customer touchpoint.  

For example, integration of click-to-call technology is relatively smooth and can be easily embedded onto a website as a widget at the customized part of your webpage. Visitors can easily click on the call button and have a one-to-one conversation with agents. 

Also, some click-to-dial solutions can be easily integrated with social media channels for better lead generation. For example, some highly advanced click-to-call solutions can easily integrate with social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. So whenever a company runs promotional ads, these tools help businesses to have details of potential prospects. Upon clicking the ad, these instant calling solutions capture the users’ information and select a time slot for a callback. This helps enterprises to have streamlined business communication between the businesses and the lead.

How Does Click-To-Call Work?

The working functionality of click-to-call technology is highly advanced, and it is based on a basic form where users need to provide their phone numbers and request a callback. At the same time, the software captures the information and immediately connects the end user and other third-party to initiate a business communication between two independent entities. The software offers customers a real-time one-to-one voice communication facility with businesses. 

Let’s Have A Technical Breakdown Of Its Working Functionality

Website visitors make a callback request by clicking on the integrated software in the form of a calling widget appearing on the website’s web pages. The software is configured to redirect the customer’s call via voice-over-internet protocol to the company.

Working Functionality

  • A smartly integrated API system connects the customers to the company’s representative.
  • When customers click on the calling widget, it asks customers to provide their number.
  • The API is configured to redirect the customer calls via voice-over-internet protocol to the company.
  • The customer receives a call as soon as the agent gets connected.

Why Choose Click-To-Call Software And Is It Suitable For Your Business Needs?

Business operations are critically challenging. Companies need to deal with customer queries, better sales insights, product quality, etc. Click-to-talk technology is designed to assist enterprises with their one of the most crucial needs, i.e.inbound site conversion rates. These tools make a huge difference in connecting with potential sales prospects and helping businesses grow.

Consider The Factors Mentioned Below Before Deciding On Subscribing To The Click2talk Solution For Your Business

Scale Your Business

If you want to scale your business, the click-to-dial solution is the right software for your sales needs. With the help of this solution, you can easily handle a large volume of sales-related queries and effectively manage these incoming requests.

For example, suppose you are running a larger company, and you receive a higher volume of sales-related queries daily. Then traditional methods of handling customers’ queries might not be adequate to manage the incoming request, and you may lose sales opportunities. 

A traditional communication method is time-consuming, and businesses need more human resources to respond. Due to this, your business’s operations get affected. So if your website has sufficient visitors, click-to-call technology can do magic by letting your customers connect with your business by just clicking on the call button. 

Lead Source

Businesses have several lead sources and follow many marketing tactics to generate potential leads. Some businesses utilize traditional methodology, i.e. offline promotions of services and products via ads. At the same time, some prefer to explore various online alternatives to capture leads. 

If you have good website traffic, click-to-call technology is meant for you. With the help of this technology, you can efficiently handle incoming customer queries from your online traffic and boost your sales prospects. If your business is growing exponentially and has an established web presence, then using click-to-call would be a cost-efficient and result-oriented solution for your business needs. 

Value Of Your Product Or Service

Click-to-call solutions are suitable for businesses selling their services and products at a higher range. From a SaaS company’s perspective, a safe estimate of higher ticket products or services is about $500. 

There are many companies that sell their services at a higher price. Let’s understand this with the help of simple example travel agencies sell their tour package at a higher price. Also, you will find the private education sector doing the same, offering their services at a higher price range. The click-to-call solution is highly suitable for companies requiring a large sales team for better business.

From a customer’s perspective, if customers are willing to pay that much for something, they would want to have proper information while purchasing services or products from a business.


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How To Measure The Performance Of Click-To-Call Solutions?

Today’s highly advanced click-to-call solutions come with an integrated and comprehensive dashboard that helps users to monitor and track the accurate statistics and information of customer data. This dashboard also provides an in-depth analysis of call duration, upcoming and scheduled calls, number of leads generated from a particular web page with the widget. 

This software helps you figure out your team’s performance and lapses in your operation so that you can fix them and have better productivity. 

Top Performing Pages Of Your Website

Top performing pages of your website help you to know about the web pages that are the most significant source of your leads. Your marketing team can quickly inspect these pages and determine why some are performing well, and others are not. 

For example, your website handler can easily find underperforming web pages and fix all those technical errors for desired results.

The Number Of Automated Callbacks

This is one of the most influential metrics that can be utilized in multiple ways. You can use it to have a proper insight into your marketing efforts. Click-to-call solutions allow you to execute inbound content strategy on high-performing webpages and help you to have a deeper insight into automated callbacks. If you are getting potential leads from those pages, then your inbound strategy is effectively working. Otherwise, you need to work on this for better results. Also, this metric is useful for determining your team’s overall performance and helps you achieve your goals.

The Number Of Successful Calls

“Successful Call Means We Have Closed The Deal” 

Measuring the number of successful calls is necessary to determine the efficiency of the click2call solution. You can also break down this matrix to determine the individual performance of your sales reps. If your sales rep is not performing as per your expectation, then it is high time to understand the reason behind this and fix the issue as soon as possible. 

What Are The Prime Benefits Of Click-To-Call Solutions?

Customers feel frustrated when they are unable to connect with the businesses, and in that situation, they are likely to explore and turn to your competition. Nearly half of your potential customers could have easily turned into leads. 

Your sales rep may have engaged with other customers when a potential lead was calling, or your sales team may need more resources to handle the incoming queries simultaneously. Whatever the reason was, the truth is your business missed an opportunity. Now, these people will explore more options to complete their requirements as you failed to assist them when they tried to connect with you. 

These problems can be easily solved with the help of click to Call solution, and you can boost your sales with just one straightforward integration. 

Some of the prime benefits of using this technology are mentioned below: 

Reduces Customer Wait Time And Incidents Of Missed Calls

Sometimes due to high call volume company’s representatives need help dealing with the call flow. This overwhelming flow could lead to an increase in customer wait time or even missed calls. 

What does this reflect? Missed opportunities 

Technological advancements have bought some immense improvements in click-to-call solutions, and they are now more advanced and intelligent in terms of their functioning. They are equipped with routing facilities that are meant to automatically distribute calls based on the priority and availability of the agents. These solutions also have unique features that allow you to schedule calls. 

This is quite useful for leads as they can schedule calls with the agents as per their availability and have one-to-one communication without having any issues. Such facilities with click-to-call solutions help businesses reduce wait times, missed calls, and improve the customer experience.

Reduces Lead Response Time

Customers always want to get help in real time, and companies that do not keep them in queue always have a good customer base.

Did you ever think about how many calls you missed during the company’s lunch break and the number of calls made by customers after your working hours when you were not available to take them? 

Suppose you do not have any digital solution to save this information. In that case, there is no guarantee that someone who initially expressed his interest will have a business talk with you again. This happened because you could not connect with your lead, making the customer experience less enjoyable.

What if the initial mode of communication was email, and your sales team needed to be more active in responding to the mail? 

In both scenarios, you will end up losing business opportunities due to slow response.

But with the help of the calendar integration feature embedded in click-to-call technology, you can completely eliminate this issue and allow your lead to personally selected the time slot for automated callback

Increases Conversion Rates

Click-to-call solutions are easily implemented into digital touchpoints. Due to this, you can easily reach out to more people and automate your sales operations for better conversion rates. Your inbound content strategy helps your website visitors connect instantly with your business. Your Facebook ad is intended to connect with your target audience and allows customers to schedule a business talk via the lead form attached.

 Regardless of the digital source, lead comes from the click-to-talk solution embedded with ads. 


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 Offers In-Depth Customer Profiles With Crm Integrations 

Today’s highly advanced click2call solutions are easily integrated with CRM tools such as Hubspot, and Salesforce. CRM, help you to have a complete record of your leads and customers. These systems are designed to store user information such as call conversations, customer information, report generation on your contacts, and many more. 

You don’t have to do anything manually if a click-to-call solution is implemented with your CRM tool. Every single detail will be saved automatically in your database. In fact, syncing two of these two softwares enables the CRM tool to generate lead or customer profiles based on the available information from the lead form. With the help of these tools, you can not only have an in-depth understanding of your lives and clients, but also track the performance of your sales reps.

If your customers are satisfied with your service and product, you can have the expected growth quickly. With the click-to-call solution, you can reduce customer waiting time, the incidence of missed calls and respond to your customers instantly.

According to the survey, 58% of your customers prefer calling as a prime mode of communication with businesses. Also, 70% find it is one of the easiest and quickest ways to resolve an issue. That’s proof that customers prefer interaction with businesses over the phone rather than another form of communication. Also, you can have a deeper insight into your customers and their queries with the help of the CRM tool and quickly find out the exact issues they are facing with your product services. Also, you can help them to have a personalized customer experience by resolving their issues in no time. 

Must-Have Features

If you search for click-to-call solutions on the web, you will find several brands that offer the exact tech solutions. You might need clarification on the offering & claims made by these brands. But before subscribing to a service, always be clear with the requirements and features that you are looking for.

 Features You Should Look Out For While Subscribing To Click-To-Call Service 

  • Calendar Integration: This helps you to streamline the communication process by eliminating the need for multiple communication channels. With the help of this simple integration, your site visitor can schedule calls with the agents as per their availability. 
  • Call Routing: Minimise the customer wait time and help them connect with businesses based on the sales rep’s availability.
  • Contact Management: This feature helps you to efficiently manage the contact information of your customers and leads and have a deeper insight for better tracking
  • Monitoring and Performance: Detailed analysis and reporting help you to improve your team and system performance. 

How To Add Click-To-Call To Your Website?

Integration of click-to-call solutions is not as complicated as it sounds, actually, the entire Setting up process is quite simple, and it requires few steps only.  

For integration, all you need to do is insert the widget installation code of the click-to-call solution into your website’s source code. 

There is no universal process for this integration, which varies depending on your platform. For instance, click-to-call can be easily integrated with WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, and Shopify.

You can access click to call installation code by logging in to your account and clicking ‘Installation’ on the side menu. You can then copy the code directly.

Final Verdict

Click-to-call solutions are one of the most effective ways to optimize the customer journey, boost the conversion rate and offer uninterrupted customer conversation. It is easy to implement and use and can be easily embedded into your website’s web pages. Also, it can be smoothly integrated with CRM. Click-to-call technology can revolutionize the entire business communication by offering instant one of calling and converting website visitors into sales. 

We have provided you a detailed analysis of the working functionality of the click-to-call solution and how it works. These solutions have benefited several businesses from across sectors. So if you are stressed about a low conversion rate, then click to call solution can cater to all your worries and help you to boost your sales exponentially.


This unique button appears on your mobile’s landing page or website. The call button helps people to connect directly with businesses in real-time. Click-to-talk buttons are extremely useful for companies that are struggling to convert their website visitors into expected sales and do not have enough resources to handle the high call volume of customers’ queries. 

Click-to-call is quite useful for businesses in several ways, some of which are mentioned below: 

  • Convert website visitors into sales
  • Boost sales prospects 
  • Help businesses grab genuine sales opportunities
  • Provides a seamless cross-channel service
  • Boosts customer retention.

Click-to-call technology lets customers initiate a voice call with the company’s representative in a real-time. 


  • A smartly integrated API system connects the customers to the company’s representative.
  • When customers click on the calling widget, it asks customers to give their number
  • The API is configured to redirect the customer calls via voice-over-internet protocol to the company.
  • The customer receives a call as soon as the agent gets connected.

Click-to-call service is quite easy to use and user-friendly for businesses and customers. The service helps businesses to have an instant calling widget on their website’s webpage. With the help of this solution, businesses can capture their customers’ data and maximize customer satisfaction by offering them an instant one-to-one call facility.

Businesses and users can use this tool as per the following instruction:

For Businesses:

  • Click2call solution comes with an integration code
  • Businesses need to integrate these codes into their websites’ source code 
  • Once the integration is done, a calling widget will start appearing on the website 

For Customers:

  • To use this tool, customers are required to click on the calling widget 
  • Upon clicking, customers need to provide their phone number 
  • Click to call API, then connect the caller with an agent in a real-time.

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